HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
8 Rounds of:
10 Cal Assault Bike
10 Cal Row
10 DB Partial Cleavage Cutters 45/25s
10 Wall Balls 20/14lb.
Partial Cleavage Cutters Demo:
Doesn’t have to be for time today. Don’t go slow on anything, but walking to your next station is cool today. This is just a fun cardio pump today.
You can do the partial cleavage cutters on the ground or on a bench. Just be sure to SQUEEZE the dumbbells together as you do the movement. Much different feel than a traditional bench.
Pick one:
1.) 100 Russian Twists 35/20Db
2.) 3 Rounds:
1min. of DB Hammer Curls
1min. of DB Skull Crushers
1min. Rest
3.) 3-4 Sets of:
1min. Weighted Plank
1min. Rest