CrossFit – Fri, Dec 16


CrossFit – Fri, Dec 16

HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

Front Squat and Jerk Complex

15-20 mins to work up to a moderate to heavy complex of:

2 Front squats + 2 push or split jerks

Each complex equals 1 rep

Do as many sets as time allows for
* Rest 90 seconds between sets

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

4min. Running Clock..

400m Run

Immediately into max rounds and reps of:

4 Push Jerks 115/75 (RX+ 135/95)

8 Toes-To-Bar

Rest 1min.

Repeat For 4 Total Rounds.

*Start Each AMRAP with 400m Run then pick up where you left off for each new 4 in amrap so that you just have 1 total score at the end!