


HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

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Deadlift (Double progression week 8 (deload))

Deadlift (Double Progression Week 8 “DELOAD”)

Every 3min. x 5 Rounds:

6-8 Barbell Bench Press

6 Deadlifts

*Use 30% LESS weight on the deadlift than the heaviest set you did over the past 7 weeks.

*Go as Heavy as Possible on the Bench Press 🙂

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

5 Front Squats***

10 Toes-To-Bar

15/12 Assault Bike

Round 1: 95/65

Round 2: 115/75

Round 3: 135/95

Round 4: 155/105

Round 5: 185/135

RX+ Numbers:

Round 1: 135/95

Round 2: 155/105

Round 3: 185/135

Round 4: 205/145

Round 5: 225/155

I would definitely like everyone to be ascending in weight on this, so pick a weight scheme that works for you if you don’t see it here! Should be done between 10-15min. Ideally the 15min. would best! That would mean that you picked challenging enough weights 🙂