HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
20min. Running Clock…
EMOM x 5min.
15/12 Cal Row
EMOM x 5min.
5 Deadlifts 225/155
EMOM x 5min.
15/12 Cal Row
EMOM x 5min.
5 Deadlifts 275/185
*You stay at the same station for ALL 5min. before switching. So, for the rowing section, you never get off the rower.
*No rest between EMOMs
*Choose a CHALLENGING deadlift weight, but make sure you can do it unbroken each minute with solid form.
*RX+ 315/205 the entire time
*Score is the rounds you finished 🙂
Accessory Work. (No Measure)
That first part was nasty, so lets do some slower paced fun stuff 🙂
12min. to try and finish the following:
1.) 3 Sets of Weighted Planks. 1min. on x 1min. off. Use a 45/25lb. plate or more.
2.) 3 sets of “21” Landmine Sit-Ups. Rest 1min. Between Sets.
*21’s are 7 rep in the left arm, 7 reps in the right, and then 7 reps with both arms.