


HV Tribe CrossFit – Masters CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

Metcon (Time)


Reverse Accumulator For Time….

400m Farmer Carry with (1) 53/35 kb

35 Sit-Ups

30 Double Unders

25 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)

20 Hang Power Cleans (95/65lbs.)

15 Cals of Choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

35 Sit-Ups

30 Double Unders

25 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)

20 Hang Power Cleans (95/65lbs.)

15 Cals of Choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

30 Double Unders

25 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)

20 Hang Power Cleans (95/65lbs.)

15 Cals of Choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

25 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)

20 Hang Power Cleans (95/65lbs.)

15 Cals of Choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

20 Hang Power Cleans (95/65lbs.)

15 Cals of Choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

15 Cals of Choice

10 Toes-To-Bar

10 Toes-To-Bar

Time Cap: 35min.

Instead of adding one movement per round, we are taking one movement away! Can you finish in the time cap?!