HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Deadlift (1RM Test)
Deadlift (5-3-2-1-1-1)
Looking for a 1 rep max today to see where everyone is at after this past cycle. I recommend the rep scheme above, but you’re welcome to do whatever you like to hit it. You should be able to hit your max in about 5-6 total sets. So make appropriate jumps.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
18min. to get as far as possible….
5 Rounds:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Wall Balls (20/14)
Immediately into;
6 Rounds:
6 Toes-To-Bar
6 Front Rack Lunges 95/65lbs.
Immediately into;
7 Rounds:
7 Toes-To-Bar
7 Front Squats 115/75lbs.
Immediately into;
8 Rounds:
8 Toes-To-Bar
8 Back Squats 135/95lbs.
After that max effort Deadlift, I wanted something fun with low reps to keep you moving… I also wanted something that complimented our posterior chain and core so each section has a slightly harder squat variation. It’s not really meant to be finished, so don’t worry about that last round of 8s. Just get as far as you can and try to keep a steady pace straight through today.
If you’re not super quick on TTB, then today is a great day to do toes to rings instead 🙂