Tuesday, August 4th 2020


Tuesday, August 4th 2020

HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete

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Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

2 minutes Row or Bike

25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)

5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B. Mobility

B1. Soft tissue mobilisation

With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball

45-60 seconds/side

– Pecs

B2. Floor facing M hold

5 x 5 seconds as high as possible

C. Specific

10 Banded Dips

10 Hollow body lat Pulldown

5/side Diagonal band Pull apart

5 Scap pulls


A: Metcon (Weight)

Strict Ring Muscle ups

Work up to a heavy 2 Strict Ring Muscle-ups


Work up to a heavy 2 Strict Chest to ring Pull-ups
Athlete: Here we use the same principle as we did yesterday for the Squat.

Goal: Improve Pulling strength

Points of performance:

1. For an efficient pulling, you must:

– Have your body stacked by bracing your core

– Keep your legs glued together

2. Pulling position

– Pull the rings as close as possible to the sternum.

– The rings have to be close to each other at the top of the pull.


B: Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

Every 5minutes for 15minutes

2 rounds

10 Burpees to target

15/10 Cal Assault bike

Rest 5minutes

Every 5minutes for 15minutes

2 rounds

15/10 Cal Ski

10 Burpee facing bar
Each interval of 2 rounds is for time

Goal: Improve your capacity in sprint workouts

Points of performance:


– Keep moving!


– Consistent high intensity.

Movement Conditioning

C: Metcon (Distance)

AMRAP 5minutes

Rope climb @20′

No jump
Goal: Improve pulling endurance

The reason why we removed the jump of the movement is because we want you to be pulling for a longer period of time during the 5 minutes. If possible, climb to 20’ or even higher. Goal is not necessarily the number of repetitions but the climbing distance.

Result in wodify = total climbed distance

C: Metcon (Distance)

AMRAP 5minutes

Rope climb @20′

No jump
Goal: Improve pulling endurance

The reason why we removed the jump of the movement is because we want you to be pulling for a longer period of time during the 5 minutes. If possible, climb to 20’ or even higher. Goal is not necessarily the number of repetitions but the climbing distance.

Score = total climbed distance


D: Metcon (No Measure)

Side lying DB external rotations

2 x 15/side

rest 60 seconds between sets



E: Metcon (No Measure)

Hip extension on GHD

3 x 20 reps

Every 5 reps, hold the hip extension at the top and perform 5 W-Y
Goal: Post chain endurance