Thursday, May 28th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
Put on Chumbawamba’s song Tubthumping. Start doing either jumping jacks, high knees or butt kicks the whole song. But anytime you hear “I get knocked down” you lay down on the floor. When you hear “but I get up again” you pop back up to complete the burpee
B. Mobility
Ballistic Leg Swings
1 rounds
20 reps per leg
Front to back
Side to Side
C. Specific
3-5 Devils press
3-5 DB step overs 24/20″
3-5 DB Thrusters
3-5 Cals
A: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
AMRAP 10mins
10 Devils press
14 DB Thrusters
18 Box jumps 24/20″
24 Cal Bike
5mins rest
AMRAP 10mins
5 Devils press
7 DB Thrusters
9 Box jumps 24/20″
12 Cal Bike
DB’s 2 x 50/35lbs
Wearing a Weighted Backpack or weighted vest
AMRAP 10mins
10 Burpees
14 Squats
18 Jump over object
36 Hand elevated Mountain climbers
5mins rest
AMRAP 10mins
5 Burpees
7 Squats
9 Jump over object
24 Hand elevated Mountain climbers
Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
10/10 Reverse plank + knee drive
Rest 30 seconds
Reverse plank + knee drive: