


HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (Weight)

Make sure you are ready and warm for both movements. Start at about 50-60% effort (not 1RM) and start to CLIMB!

EMOM x 5min.

3 Hang Power Snatch

EMOM x 5min.

2 Hang Power Snatch

immediately into;

EMOM x 5min.

3 Hang Power Cleans

EMOM x 5min.

2 Hang Power Cleans

*Score is heaviest 2 rep snatch and 2 rep clean combined.

Annie Bought a Kettlebell (Time)

Annie bought a kettlebell (Time)


Double Unders

AbMat Sit-Ups

Russian KB Swings 53/35

*Time CAP: 15min.

*Anchor your feet around the KB for the Sit-Ups to go faster.

*Suffer from booty burn!? Keep your legs as straight as possible and you won’t get it 🙂 ALSO, it is very important to pull your pelvis under you and minimize that space between your low back and the floor. So essentially, bad form = booty burn. Get it together!