HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
0-4 min
5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
5 Bench Press 135/75
15 lateral barbell hops
4- 8 min
30/20 cals ass bike
8-12 mins
5 hang power cleans 135/95
5 bench press 135/75
15 lateral barbell hops
20-24 mins
30/20 cals ass bike
24-28 mins
5 hang power cleans 135/95
5 bench press 135/75
15 lateral barbell hops
*Score is total rounds and reps. Start where you left off in the AMRAPS. You will work through the 4 mins in each AMRAP. The only rest you will get is when you finish the cals on the bike.
*** If you need or want to scale the bench press, consider doing a DB floor press or push ups