


HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (Weight)

Warm up with to about 70% of your max and then complete:

Power Snatch

3 reps EMOM x 8 mins

*All reps from the ground with touch and go style.

*Focus on your LATS sweeping that bar into your hips. you should be focusing on that at all times.

*Make it as challenging and repeatable as possible.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

Every 3min. x 6 Rounds:

8 Jerks 115/75

8 American KB Swings 70/53

8 Wall Balls 20/14

8 Handstand Push-Ups

Back at it again with one of these 4 piece climbing EMOM challenges!

RX is adding 1 rep each round to each movement. So round 2 would be 9 of everything… Then 10…And so on…

NO QUITTING. Once you can not finish the 12 set for example, just go back to 8 immediately and finish.