Saturday, May 23rd 2020


Saturday, May 23rd 2020

HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete

View Public Whiteboard

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

Row or Bike

5 Minutes

50 seconds @easy, nose breathing

10 seconds acceleration

B. Mobility

B1. Soft tissue mobilisation

With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball

45-60 seconds/side

– Adductor

B2. Goblet squat hold + shift

10 seconds stretch/ankle.

C. Specific

2 sets

5/5 Single leg Glute Bridge + Double KB bench press hold

5/5 Double front rack KB Deficit lunges

50 Broad jump @increasing power


A: Front Squat (Work up to a heavy 2rep)

Athlete: In this cycle, Saturday is the day where we lift heavy. We will constantly rotate the exercise used every week in order to reduce accomodation. This week we use the band to create a downward force so you need to create more speed in the ascent.

Points of performance:

– Keep elbows up.

– Keep your core braced for the entire movement. Releasing tension in the ascent would break the muscular chain and limit your ability to move up efficiently.


B: Metcon (No Measure)


Odd: 8 Push Jerks @65-70% of max PJ

Even: 15 Box Jumps @24/20
Athlete: This is the first session of many combining the Push Jerk with a lower body exercise. We start with a lower percentage and will slowly reduce the number of rep/set while increasing the load for the following weeks. Stay away from failure, every rep must be done with a perfect form.


C: Metcon (Time)

5 rounds

15/10 Cal Bike

6 Deadlift @295/205lbs

50’ HS walk
Goal: Continue the Deadlift progression.

Points of performance:

– You can reduce the weight of the Deadlift but the weight on the barbell must be heavier than last week. To give you an idea, you should be able to complete the 6 repetitions unbroken for the entire workout.

– Keep a 8/10 RPE on the bike.

– Do your best on the HS walk.


D: Metcon (No Measure)

Nordic hamstrings curls

3 x 8

Pause 2 seconds half rep in the way down

Rest as needed between sets
Advanced variation:

Scaled variation:

Session 2


A: Metcon (No Measure)

E5MOM for 20 minutes

2 rounds

15/12 Row

10 Hang power Snatch @75/55

8 Burpees facing bar
Goal: Cardiovascular capacity.

Points of performance:

– Sustained and consistent pace on the rower.

– Every set of Hang Power Snatch must be doable unbroken.


B: Metcon (No Measure)

Star drill


Rest as needed between reps
Athlete: Not for time.