Saturday, August 1st 2020


Saturday, August 1st 2020

HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete

View Public Whiteboard

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

2 minutes Row or Bike

25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)

5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B. Mobility

B1. Soft tissue mobilisation

With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball

45-60 seconds/side

– Lats

B2. Prayer stretch with foam roller

3 x 5-6 deep breaths

C. Specific

Empty barbell warm-up

5 reps/movement

– Bent over row (supinated)


– Muscle Clean arms only

– Strict Press

– Good morning

– Muscle snatch

Ramp up to 135/95


A: Metcon (Time)

3 rounds

10 Clean and Jerk @135/95lbs

2 Rope Climbs

10 Snatch @135/95lbs

Rest 60 seconds
Goal: Improve medium length + Weightlifting volume workouts

Since we are in the fitness cycle, the load on the barbell will vary a lot. This week we combined light weightlifting movements with a pulling exercise in order to fatigue your arms and make the pull a little harder.

Points of performance:

– Aim to cycle the bar for a couple of reps on each set of Snatch/Clean and Jerk.

– Relax your arms on the pulling phase of the Snatch/Clean and Jerk.


B: Metcon (Time)

For time

30 Pistols

45 Pull-ups

30 Pistols

30 CTB

30 Pistols

15 Bar Muscle-ups
Goal: Pulling endurance

This piece is not necessarily meant to be done as fast as possible. Goal here is to do volume. That being said, I prefer you to slow down and perform quality reps rather than try to move as fast as possible and botch the movement.

Points of performance:

– Break the Pull-ups from the start.

– Try to keep moving with a steady pace on the pistols.

– Use your kip by creating speed in the back swing.


C: Metcon (Time)

2 rounds

30/25 Cal Row

15 D-Ball Squat @100/80lbs*

Rest 1:1

25/20 Cal Row

15 D-Ball Step-up over @ 24/20’’

Rest 1:1

20/15 Cal Row

30 Wall Balls @20/14

Rest 1:1

**Must move quickly. The weight has to be light enough so you can grab the ball as soon as it lands on the ground.
Athlete: This workout is performed as follows:

30/25 cal row then 15 d-ball squats, rest as much as your working time. Move onto the 25/20 cal row and 15 D-ball step up overs. Rest the same as your working time and finish the round with 20/15 cal row and 30 wall balls. Rest the same as your working time and start over for a second round.

Goal: Improve your short and light workouts

Points of performance:


– Your intensity HAS to be high.

– Your transitions HAVE to be quick.


– Strong and complete stokes. Do not cut your stroke at the end of the extension: it won’t go faster. Push as hard as possible with your legs and finish with a strong pull.

D-ball Squat and step-ups

– Unbroken


– Unbroken.

– Your goal is to have the ball on your body as little as possible.


D: Metcon (No Measure)

Single leg Swiss ball curl

3 rounds

10 reps right leg

Rest 30 sec

10 reps left leg

Rest 30 sec
Goal : Lower body endurance



D: Metcon (No Measure)

Single DB/KB knee up walk

3 x 50’/side
Hold a DB or KB in a farmer carry grip and walk. Drive your knee up every step forward.