HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
Recovery Week For Squats
Every 4min. x 4 Rounds:
5 Back Squats (% based below)
10 DB Bent Over Rows
50 Double Unders
Round 1) 40%
Round 2) 50%
Round 3) 50%
Round 4) 60%
*Do the DB Rows as heavy as possible. 10 Each Arm.
*QUALITY over speed on this part.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min. AMRAP:
8 Front Rack Lunges 95/65
8 Wall Balls 20/14
8 Cal Row
*Add 2 Reps Each Round
*Round 2 is 10 Reps
*Round 3 is 12 Reps… and so on…