CrossFit – Mon, Jul 8


CrossFit – Mon, Jul 8

HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

Back Squat (Week 4 of 4 Recovery)

5 x 40%

5 x 50%

5 X 60%

*Today is a good day to squat to the rogue bricks or anything else that is 12″ tall. Let your butt touch the object, let your hips relax while still keeping you back curvature, and pop up. Should help you get lower than normal and also give you more confidence and form feedback.

*Part 2 is long today but this first part should not take long since it is recovery week.

Metcon (4 Rounds for time)

Every 5min. x 4 Rounds:

15 Thrusters (95/65)

Run 400m

15 Pull-ups

*Get each round done as fast as possible. This is not just a get it done type of EMOM. You are going to have a lot of rest each time, but I need you to earn it and try to stay within 10-20sec. of each round at the highest intensity possible.