HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Deadlift (DoubleProgression Week 7)
LAST WEEK before our deload week .
6-8 Reps
superset with;
1min. Weighted Planks on your hands
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Sets.
*DOUBLE PROGRESSION. See details below.
The goal is to get ALL 3 sets for 8 reps. Once you can do that, you add 5% to the bar NEXT TIME. That new load should knock you down to 3 sets at 6-7 reps, but eventually, you will be strong enough to do it for 3 sets of 8 again (might take a week or 2). Then we add another 5% and repeat the process.
NOTE: 3 x 6 x 95 means 3 sets for 6 reps and 95 is the weight used for each set. (for sake of the example)
Week 1 — 3 x 6 x 95lbs
Week 2 — 3 x 7 x 95lbs
Week 3 — 3 x 8 x 95lbs.
Week 4 — DELOAD
Week 5 — 3 x 6 x 100lbs.
Week 6 — 3 x 7 x 100lbs.
Week 7 — 3 x 8 x 100lbs.
and so on….
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
“Fight Gone Bad” style. You will be completing as many reps as possible at each station. There is NO REST between stations, so be sure to have everything setup close by!
1min. of Pull-ups
1min. of Alt. DB Lunges 35s/20s
1min. of Box Jumps 20″
1min. of Cals on the Assault Bike
1min. of American KB Swings 53/35lb.
1min. of REST
Repeat For 3 Total Rounds
This will be over before you know it, so make sure you’re moving as fast as you can!