Monday, July 6th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
EMOM x 3 @increasing intensity + nose breathing
-10/8 Cal Machine/30 Mountain climbers
-30 Single unders
B. Specific At Gym
1-2 sets
5 Banded empty bar back squats (around the knees)
5 Bulgarian split squats/leg
5 Jump Squats
B. Specific At Home
2 sets
-30s/side couch stretch
-30s Squat hold
-30s Wall Balls / Jumping air squats
A: Back Squat (9 sets from 75-95%)
sets x reps @ %
E(2)MOM x 9 sets
3 x 3 @75-80-85
3 x 2 @80-85-90
3 x 1 @85-90-95
Time allotted: 18mins
E(2)MOM x 9 sets
5 Loaded tempo squats @
10 Speed air squats
Athlete: Goal is time on tension then fast reps with no weight. This can also work without load at all.
Load options:
DB’s, KB’s, Object
B: Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
E(4)MOM x 4
20/16 Cal Row
2 rounds
6 Strict HSPU
10 DB Snatch @50/35lbs*
*DB snatches all on one arm on round one then switch sides for round 2.
Time allotted: 16mins
20/16 Cal Machine/400m Run
20 KB, Object Sumo deadlift high pull
Strict hspu:
Feet elevated piked hspu
Seated strict DB press
Piked hspu
DB snatch:
10/side single leg RDL + reach
Metcon (No Measure)
Posterior Chain
Hip Extensions
3 x 20
At Home
Feet elevated glute bridges
3 x 20