Saturday, August 29th 2020


Saturday, August 29th 2020

HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General- Game

“Coach Says”

Played like simon says, but the coach will call out warm-up style movements that athletes can do socially distanced.


3 sets

-5 PVC shoulder dislocates

-5 Scapular push-ups

-5/side unilateral glute bridges

-5 Banded box step ups / Lunges


A: Metcon (Time)

For time

75 Wall Ball @20/14lbs

50 Overhead sit ups, with WB

200′ Lunges, with WB

50 Overhead sit ups, With WB

75 Wall Balls @20/14lbs
Time cap: 22mins

A2: Metcon (Time)

Team version

You go, i go; round-for-round

10 rounds

15 Wall ball @20/14lbs

10 OH sit-ups, with WB

40′ lunges, with WB

10 OH sit-ups, with WB

15 Wall ball@20/14lbs
While one person is working, the other is rowing as many cals as possible for total cals at the end of the workout.


B: Metcon (No Measure)

Surprise your members with a challenge at the end of the class.
It could be to perform 100 reps, 500m row for time, max cals in X amount of time or a max L-sit hold!

Cool down


Adductor Rock back

2 x 10 per side
