


HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

35min. to Finish…

40 SDHP’s 95/65lb

400m Run

40 Push Press 95/65lb.

400m Run

40 Front Squat 95/65lbs.

400m Run

40 Hand Release Push-Ups

400m Run

40 Pull-Ups

400m Run

40 Thrusters 95/65lb bar

400m Run

40 Lateral Burpees Over The Bar

A little harder format then usual with the bar, but you can scale all of this to a 70/53lb KB for the SDHP’s and 45/30lb DBs for everything else if you like!

You can also scale to teams of 2 splitting the reps amongst partner. One partner works while one rests except for the 400m run. Both partners will run together.