Friday, June 12th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
Bike or row
3 minutes @easy, nose breathing
B. Mobility
B1. Soft tissue mobilisation
With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball
45-60 seconds/side
– Pecs
– Lats
B2. PNF Box lat stretch
5 repetitions
– 5 seconds contraction, pushing against the box with the elbows
– 5 seconds stretch, moving your upper body toward the floor
10 Band pull apart
10/10 Banded Trap-3 raise
10 DB Pullovers
A: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
5 Bench press @RPE 7/10
400m easy bike erg between sets
Goal: Variate the angle of pressing in order to improve your pressing capacity.
Since we are in deload week, make sure you keep the weight low. You should not reach or be close to failure on the 5th repetition.
For the bike erg, put the damper at 1 and use it as a warm up for the section B.
B: Metcon (Time)
Gym triathlon
1K Ski
5K Bike
2K Run
Athlete: This is not for time. Try to be around RPE 8/10 for the entire workout. Have fun!
C: Metcon (Time)
For time
100′ HS walk
40 GHD Sit-ups
100′ DB Lunges Left @70/50lbs x 1
20 Bar Muscle-ups
100′ DB Lunges Right @70/50lbs x 1
40 GHD Sit-ups
100′ HS walk
Goal: Gymnastic endurance
Every movement in this workout is in one way or another soliciting the core. The HS walk for stability, the GHD for anterior endurance, the Lunges for posterior endurance and the bar Muscle-ups for power endurance. Once you’ve realized this, your job is to make sure you are performing each movement as perfectly as you can which will increase the stimulus and increase your results from this session. For example, make sure your core is braced on the HS walk and try to create as much speed as possible on the swing of your Muscle-ups.
DB Lunges: DB may be held however you want on the specified side.
D: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
20 Banded Skull crushers
No rest
20 Banded T
No rest
10/10 Split stance banded fly
No rest
Athlete: For every movement here, use a light band and perform the 20 reps with a fast pace.