Friday, August 21st 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
Odd: 40 seconds Bike/Row/Ski
Even: 40-50 seconds rotating Scorpions:
B. Mobility
PVC dislocates, 60sec
C. Specific
Bar muscle up progression
-6/side Single arm Bent over banded lat pull-down
-5 Hollow to glute bridge
-5 Beat swings + 2 Power beat swings
-5 Hip to bar
-3-5 Jumping Bar muscle up*
-3-5 Bar muscle up
*Box should be set at a height where at full standing reach the pull-up bar intersects the mid forearm
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Each 2minutes for 12minutes
5 Bar Muscle-ups
*Increase number of Bar Muscle-up by 1 every new round (RX+)
B: Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
15/12 Cal Bike or Row or run 200m
15 Hang Power Clean @115/75lbs
30 Pistols*
* Alternating, scale to reverse lunges
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Cool down
Tabata (8x 20sec ON/10sec OFF)
alternate between these two movements.
– Crab glute bridge
– Glute bridge walk outs