Wednesday, September 2nd 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round
2 minutes Row or Bike
25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)
5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)
B. Mobility
B1. Soft tissue mobilisation
With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball
45-60 seconds/side
– Glutes
B2. PNF pigeon stretch
5 repetition/leg
– 5 seconds contraction pushing your legs against the floor
– 5 seconds stretch moving your upper body toward the floor
C. Specific
2 sets
5/leg Banded Single leg RDL
3 Shoulder oscillation
5 Barbell kang squat
A: Metcon (Weight)
Every 30 seconds for 6 minutes
Alternate between
– 2 reps Speed Banded Deadlift @40%+ Hard band
– 2 Low Hang Muscle Clean
Goal: Getting your nervous system primed up for the snatch in the Metcon
Points of performance:
Banded Deadlift
Acceleration of the bar in the ascent
As you go up, think about accelerating by pushing harder and harder against the ground with your legs and by moving the shoulders back when the bar gets over the knees.
Low Hang Muscle Clean
Knee flexion when the bar passes the knees on the descent
A common mistake is to perform a RDL and mostly bend at the hip when you move down to perform a Hang Clean. Doing this brings your body forward and increases the difficulty/efficiency of the pull. To be in a good position and keep your shoulders above the barbell, think about looking slightly up and bend at the knees when the bar crosses them.
B: Metcon (Time)
Buy in: 1.6K Run
3 rounds
20 Strict HSPU
6 Clean @245/175lbs
3 rounds
50’ HS walk
6 Front Squat @245/175lbs
Goal: Improve your performances in long and heavy workouts
Points of performance:
Consistent pace
Goal here is to increase your heart rate but not to get too tired. Your RPE should be around 7/10
Advanced: Strict
Intermediate: 10 Strict + 10 Kipping
Beginners: reduce the number of reps so you can complete the set in 5 sets maximum.
Front Squat
Challenge yourself here and aim for unbroken sets
HS walk
Advanced: as written
Intermediate: 25’
Beginner: 60 seconds max distance
C: Metcon (Weight)
4 sets @heavy
4 Clean Pull From blocks (below the knees)
4 Clean Shrugs
D: Metcon (No Measure)
4 rounds not for time
60sec Cal Bike @easy-mod
10 DB Clean @2 x 50/35lbs
50′ DB Lunges @2 x 50/35lbs
Goal: Lower body endurance
Do not rush anything here. Make sure to move with good form on every movement.
Lunges: Hips and shoulders move at the same speed.
Clean: Back stays neutral
E: Metcon (No Measure)
Body saw
3 x 10
A: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds
1K Ski
1K Run
40 Push-ups
This is purely aerobic. Go for an easy but steady pacing.