Tuesday, September 1st 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round
2 minutes Row or Bike
25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)
5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)
B. Mobility
B1. Soft tissue mobilisation
With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball
45-60 seconds/side
– Lats
B2. PNF lat stretch on box (supinated)
5 repetitions
– 5 seconds contraction pushing against the box with your elbows
– 5 seconds stretch moving your chest toward the floor
C. Specific
2 sets
3 Scap pulls
15 Hollow body lat Pulldown (banded)
30 Single unders
Every 30 seconds for 3 minutes
2 Slam ball @hard, 20lbs
A: Metcon (Weight)
Work up to a Heavy 5 reps Strict Chin-ups
Athlete: These MUST be strict.
Open athlete: If you cannot add weight to get to 5 reps, simply perform 5 x 5 strict chin ups, rest as needed between sets.
Movement Conditioning
B: Metcon (4 Rounds for distance)
Rope sled drag (hand over hand)
4 rounds
1 minutes as much distance as possible
1 minutes rest
Goal: Complement the Chin-ups.
We use the rope here because I want you to variate the grip (neutral here) when you pull. A problem in Crossfit is that we use most of the time a pronated grip and create muscle imbalances.
C: Metcon (Time)
For time
150 Double-unders
50 TTB
50 Wall Balls @20/14lbs
Rest 5 minutes
80 Burpee Facing Bar
Rest 5 minutes
5 Rounds
30 Double-unders
10 TTB
10 Wall Balls @20/14lbs
Goal: Improve your performance in light workouts with a 5-8 minutes time frame.
Points of performance:
Workout 1
Consistent rest periods
Today I want you to focus on resting the exact same time every time you break your TTB or Wall balls.
Workout 2
You must stay in movement
I do not care how fast you go, but you cannot stop moving! Don’t relax with your arms on your knees or whatever is your usual resting position.
Advanced athletes: Aim for sub 5 minutes
Intermediate: Aim for sub 6 minutes
Workout 3
Unbroken sets and fast transitions
D: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
12 Bent over Lateral raise
12 Deadbug Pullover
30 Banded Biceps Curls
E: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
10/side Anti rotation landmine twist
30-45 sec Side plank on swiss ball