Monday, August 31st 2020


Monday, August 31st 2020

HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warm-up (No Measure)

A. General

3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round

-1 min Row or Bike or Run or Jumping jacks

-30s Scorpions

-5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)

B1. Specific


2 sets

-10 Weighted glute bridges (hold top for 2sec)

-5 Front rack elbow rotations

-5 Thrusters @ tempo 3sec down

B2. Specific (Before the Metcon)

3 sets

-5 cal Bike

-Snatch drills:

Set 1: 3 muscle snatch + 3 power drop snatch @empty bar

Set 2: 3 Tempo snatch @ light

Set 3: 2 x 3 position snatch @moderate


A: Front Squat (6×2 @ascending)

60% and last set is @RPE 9/10

Time allotted: 15 minutes


B: Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)

5 x AMRAP 2 minutes

20/15 Cal Bike

Max rep Snatch @155/105lbs

Rest 1 minute between each AMRAP
Total time 15 minutes

Cool down

Bike or Row 2-3 minutes

Roll out quads with foam roller