Wednesday, August 12th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round
2 minutes Row or Bike
25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)
5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)
B. Mobility
B1. Soft tissue mobilisation
With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball
45-60 seconds/side
– Psoas
B2. Banded hip mobilization
10 in and out/side
C. Specific
2 sets
– 5/leg Deficit Reverse lunges (2 sec hold at the bottom without floor contact)
– 10 Kneeling banded Hip Thrust
– 10 PVC Prone Press
A: Metcon (Weight)
Speed Banded Front Squat
EMOM 12minutes
2 reps @40% + Hard band
Goal: Improve your ability to move with speed in Squatting movements
Points of performance:
– The ascent MUST be performed with speed. Reduce the load as needed.
– Form MUST be impeccable from 1st to last rep
B: Metcon (Weight)
5 sets @40-50%
1 Snatch lift off
1 Snatch high pull
1 Squat Snatch
Rest as needed between sets
Goal: Improve lift off portion of the Snatch
Points of performance:
1. Full foot is against the ground until hip extension
This will help you apply a much more efficient force against the ground.
2. Knees are continuously pushed out
Doing this will help you be in a more seated position and avoid unnecessary back and forth movement. It will also help you keep the same back angle until the bar is at knee level
C: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds
15 CTB
10 Bar facing Burpees
5 Squat Snatch @205/145lbs
Rest 2 minutes
3 rounds
15 Bar facing burpees
7 Bar Muscle-ups
5 OH Squat @205/145lbs
Goal: Improve your performance in long and heavy workouts
Points of performance:
– Both the Squat Snatch and OHS need to be heavy!
First workout
– The time of your first round should be the same as your last one. Pace yourself at the beginning and break the CTB if necessary.
Second workout
– Consistent pace on the Burpees
– Aim for unbroken sets of OH Squats
D: Metcon (Weight)
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
3 Snatch High Pull from blocks @95-105% of max snatch
Barbell starts just above the knees
Athlete: This is meant to complement the lift of the workout. We do it after the metcon because it is not our first priority in this phase AND in our sport it is important to be able to lift heavy after a workout.
Goal: Improve the pulling portion of the Snatch
Points of performance:
Hips and shoulder raise at the same rate
This is really important. You want to teach your body to move efficiently every time you lift the barbell off the ground. If you want to profit from the exercise: keep your knees out as much as possible until the bar is at knee level. This will allow you to be in a more seated position and use more of your anterior chain to create power.
– Respect the % as much as possible. The only reason why you would decrease the load is if your technique isn’t good.
E: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
12/leg KB lateral drop
10 Dragon flag**
60 seconds easy bike
**Hold 2 seconds half way down
KB lateral drop
Goal is to improve your ability to produce force through the ground when you land after leaving contact with the ground (Clean, box jumps…) + to strengthen your pistol Squats.
Dragon flag
Goal is to improve core strength. Try to control every portion of the way down if possible.
Session 2
A: Metcon (Distance)
Running or swimming
15 minutes @easy
15 minutes @easy-mod
15 minutes @mod
This is a super important session if your goal is to improve cardiovascular and endurance capacity.
Points of performance:
– Motor patterns MUST stay exactly the same from the beginning until the end.
– Keep the intensity low.