Saturday, August 22nd 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit Compete
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
3 rounds @increasing intensity on each round
2 minutes Row or Bike
25’ Bear Crawl (There is no movement at all at the spine)
5/5 Dead bug (Hold every rep for 3 seconds)
B. Mobility
B1. Soft tissue mobilisation
With a barbell, a foam roller or a LaCrosse ball
45-60 seconds/side
– Psoas
B2. Adductor rock
B2. Child pose + single arm Y raise
5 arm raise/side
C. Specific
5 PVC Prone Press facing floor
5 Wide stance air squat
5 Normal stance air squat
5 Close stance air squat
5 Snatch grip bent over row
5 Slow motion Snatch
A: Metcon (No Measure)
Snatch turnover from high boxes
5 x 3@ light
Rest as needed between sets
Goal: Improve your 3rd pull
This drill will teach you to pull yourself under the bar rather than just drop underneath it. It will also force you to pull actively with your upper body because of the tall starting position.
Points of performance:
– Aim to regain contact with the floor as fast as you can when you do the turnover
– Keep an active upper body, be snappy!
B1: Metcon (Time)
For time
11-9-7-5 Squat Snatch
400m Run after each set
*Every time you break, add 200m to the next run
B2: Metcon (Weight)
Work up to a heavy 3 Reps TNG Squat Snatch
Rest as little as possible between sets
Goal: Barbell Cycling work with moderate weight
Points of performance:
Advanced athletes: @60%
Intermediate athletes: @50%
Odd Object
C: Metcon (Time)
4 rounds
600m Bike
15 Burpees over wall 48″
50’ Heavy Sled Push
50′ Yoke Carry @Heavy
Moving out of the gym can be really helpful
Points of performance:
– Consistency
D: Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM 12minutes
1. 10-30 sec Contralateral ring plank
2. 10/10 Side lying Clam raise
3. 5-8 Rower pike pulls
Session 2
A: Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time
25m with hand paddle
25m with Pullboy
25m with plank (legs only)
25m Crawl
Every 45 sec for 8 sets
Rest 2 minutes
Every 90 sec for 4 sets
Rest 2 minutes
Every 120 sec for 2 sets
Rest 2 minutes
Every 90 sec for 4 sets
Rest 2 minutes
Every 45 sec for 8 sets
B: Metcon (No Measure)
Seated on the edge of the pool
100 leg kicks