Wednesday, August 12th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
3 rounds
30s Row or Bike
10 Behind the neck Snatch grip thrusters*
10 Snatch grip RDL
B. Mobility
Half kneeling Wall rotations
3-5 per side
C. Specific
5-7 Snatch lift offs + hold
5-7 Snatch high pulls, no momentum
5-7 Snatch high pulls into power snatch
5-7 Snatch balance
5-7 tempo squat snatches
A: Snatch (5 x 3 + 2 + 1)
5 sets @40-50%
3 Snatch lift off
2 Snatch high pull
1 Squat Snatch
Rest as needed between sets
Time allotted: 15 minutes
B: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
15 CTB
10 Bar facing Burpees
5 Squat Snatch @ 155/105lbs
Time cap: 18 minutes
Cool down
Walk 200m
Extra Accessory
Roll back and glutes with foam roller