Wednesday, July 29th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
In the gym
Alternating Tabata
-Easy Ski/Bike/Row/Run
-Air squats
At home
Alternating Tabata
-High knees
-Air squats
B. Mobility
World’s greatest stretch
5 reps/side
C. Specific
2 sets @ easy
200m Run
10 wall balls
50m Farmers Carry
200m Row
C. Specific At Home:
2 sets @ easy
30 seconds A skip
30 seconds but kickers
10 squats (weighted however)
A: Metcon (Time)
For time
2K Run
75 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
400m Farmer’s Carry @ 2 x 53/35lbs
2K Row
Time Cap: 35-40 minutes
2K Ski, Row, 4K Bike
AMRAP 2min: Later speed skater hops
AMRAP 2min: Burpees
AMRAP 2min: Jumping lunges
AMRAP 2min: Seated knees to chest*
Wall Balls:
50-75 Single DB thruster
75-100 Air squats
Farmers Carry:
400m Double Object Carry
400m Suitcase carry (1 arm)
2K Ski, Run, 4K Bike
AMRAP 2min: Sumo deadlift high pulls @ light
AMRAP 2min: Later speed skater hops
AMRAP 2min: Jumping lunges
AMRAP 2min: Seated knees to chest*
Metcon (No Measure)
Speed Training
10 x 50m take offs
*Take offs are sprint starts where your first 10 strides are as hard as possible, then over the course of the rest of the 50m you will gradually start to slow down from a full sprint to a stop and walk back at the 50m mark.
We are beginning to taper down for our 10km retest. It’s important that our efforts are controlled and we are focused on recovering this week.
That being said, today is about top end acceleration which can have great neurological effects on our retest like when we are used to lifting 90%, 70% feels less heavy.