Saturday, July 18th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
2 rounds
-1min Ski/Bike/Row/Run/Speed skater hops @nose breathing
-30s Reverse lunges
B. Mobility
60s of Rotating scorpions
C. Specific
2 rounds of:
-6 straight leg sit-ups
-6 alternating lunges
3mins to build up OHS
*with 1-3 muscle up between each set
A: Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
20 Straight leg Sit-ups
20 Front rack lunge steps 95/65lbs
Directly into
Ring Muscle-ups
OH Squat @135/95lbs
Time cap: 15mins
Team Version
You go, i go
AMRAP 15minutes
4 Straight leg sit-ups
4 Front rack lunges 95/65lbs
6/6, 8/8, etc…
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 9minutes
2 Pull-ups
2 OH squats 135/95lbs
4/4, 6/6, etc…
Front rack lunge steps:
20 DB/KB/Object loaded lunge steps
-Weight can be loaded back rack, front rack, or hug
Ring muscle up:
9-6-3 Russian dips
9-6-3 Russian push-ups
9-6-3/side Single arm DB/KB/Object OHS
Metcon (Weight)
Speed Deficit Deadlift
Every 30 seconds for 9 rounds
1 reps @40%+mod bands
Goal: Speed
This may seem useless because you will not feel exhausted after the last set, but it will be really helpful to increase your max Deadlift and Pull efficiency for weightlifting movement.
Points of performance:
– Move with speed.
– Move with perfect form.