Wednesday, July 8th 2020
HV Tribe CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
Alt Tabata
-Jumping jacks
-Frog Glute bridges
B. Specific at gym
5-7 Standing high pulls
5-7 High pull into power clean
5-7 muscle squat clean (look for full vertical drive before moving into squat)
5-7 split jerk (pause @ reception)
5-7 squat cleans + Split jerk
B. Specific at home
AMRAP 3mins
7 Pause jumping air squats
9/side Single arm bulgarian split squat DB press
12/side bulgarian split squat
A: Clean and Jerk (6-5-4-3-2-1 from 60-95%)
EMOM x 6
20 Double unders*
Set 1: 6 @60
Set 2: 5 @70
Set 3: 4 @80
Set 4: 3 @85
Set 5: 2 @90
Set 6: 1 @95
*Complete 20 Double unders at the top of each min before proceeding to the clean and jerk.
20 Double unders
6/side Bulgarian Split thruster
Equipment options:
DB, KB, Object
Double unders:
Lateral Jumps
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 20minutes
10/8 Cal Bike
9 DB Facing Burpees
8 DB Front Squat @2 x 50/35lbs
10/8 cal machine
40 Mountain Climbers
run 200m
DB Facing Burpees:
9 Object Facing burpees
DB Front Squat:
16 Single DB/KB front squat
24 Air squats
Metcon (Distance)
Tempo Conditioning
5 rounds
2mins @RPE 9/10
3mins @RPE 5
4mins rest
5 rounds:
200m @RPE 5
200m @RPE 10